Thursday, I visited the Ohio University Second Life Campus Learning Kiosks the http://sleducation.wikispaces.com/educationaluses#visualisations presented me. Those kiosks are tools to bring video, text etc. to anyone who consults them. They also allow a user to send text to a central person/administrator.
Setting up learning kiosks are a way to bring content (be it learning content or other) to a passer by. What is being presented is more like the essence of the message you are bringing as a teacher, than any speech in a classroom-like SL surrounding. Reason for that is, of course, that text/video in SL is no different to other means of presenting text/video. SL, it would seem, brings no better way to bring the message, than classroom teaching or books or video at school.
On the other hand, SL does present a stronger feeling of concern to the user: social interaction motivating him to bring a good show. That is a good thing for exercises or for learning content the student already knows about. The student can shift his focus to something else then: practice, for instance.
The Ohio University Second Life Campus Learning Kiosks, for me, stresses the fact that a learning experience in SL, to be any good (no waste of time and energy of teacher and student), should be a mix of bringing content and using social interaction, in a way to ask a student to actually do something with the message being taught.