True enough: one does not want to make a poor impression. This assignment was a good excuse for setting myself to the task of changing my avatar's appearances. At first I felt happy to go fidgeting over sliders and all, to change my weight, noselength, hairstyle .. In the end I felt annoyance in having to find the right combination of parameter values, so as to make myself look somewhat presentable. It is like painting yourself/someone else/anything: you can go changing shape and color endlessly, but the best thing that can happen is that you stumble upon a neat set of parameters that does very well (not to make a dazzling appearance, perhaps, but know when to stop trying again: don't push your luck). Best trust the feeling in my guts.

Learning the skill to change yourself is good preparation to further building in SL (I hope there will be some parallel). Feeling happy (amused even), in your skin, also makes for a large part your involvement in your second life. Why not experience this involvement to its maximum since involvement is the feeling we want to provoke in our pupils/students by making neat learing objects.
On we go, shopping for gadgets and things... I do not have a big taste for shopping.