vrijdag 3 juli 2009

How to prepare your SL lessons: content and surrounding.


What does this pattern try to achieve? Why is it needed? What problem is this pattern solving.
Apart from delivering content in a lesson, a surrounding atmosphere needs to be created wich will enhance learning. Several tools in SL favor visualizing abstract concepts; we want to make use of these to suggest the whole structure / content of the lesson in its surrounding.


List the forces in tension.
encyclopedia like summing up of knowledge versus .bringing learning to students
declaim structure and content orally versus using different media to frame a lesson 


Where is this pattern applicable? Where not?
This pattern is applicable for a lesson where a classroom / an auditorium is suggested for bringing knowledge orally. There is only knowledge transfer from teacher to student.


Provide a detailed and concrete description of the pa. Include structure/process diagrams as needed.

  • Prepare the lesson.

    • Establish the knowledge gap so as to set the lesson objective.

    • Decide on (limit) the amount of content you want to cover.

  • Prepare text for a speaking device you want to remind you of lesson structure and the turn of phrases you came up with.

  • Try out the tools (their functioning, their permissions etc.) you plan to

    • use yourself, in the role of teacher.

    • distribute, in the role of teacher / student.

  • Display

    • the structure of the lesson content,

    • where to get the class supplies,

    • where to get the evaluation form.

    You can use a note card reader signboard for that.

  • Place a box for afterwards mailing / IM‘ing questions anonymously, at students disposal.

  • Realize that distributing instruction papers

    • after the lesson, ties your students to the progress of the course.

    • before the lesson, leaves the pace for students to choose.
      Faster students can help out slower ones.
      The teacher can help out slower students while faster students move on.

  • Keep a log of the chat during the lesson so students can work that over.


Cases-stories this pattern is drawn from.
stories 24, 31

Related Patterns

Link to related patterns (within the MUVEnation patterns or elsewhere i.e. other pattern languages). Or create a note for patterns that you have spotted that need to be developed
Read the pattern titeled Managing pre-prepared text with live interaction for advice on preparing text.

donderdag 2 juli 2009

Pattern: Managing pre-prepared text with live interaction.


What does this pattern try to achieve? Why is it needed? What problem is this pattern solving.

Visual communication is not very subtle. Communicating experience needs plenty of time. Mend on that using text.

Text chat controls delay and course of a lesson in SL so that the lesson says what it needs to say. Preparing text is needed, as improvising explanations always leaves out some points on the subject. This pattern gives a remedy for the folowing problems:

  • Text should not limit the promptnes of visual communication (diagrams, drawings, icons, built objects).

  • Text should not hinder interaction by leaving too prominent the gap of expertise and extension of knowledge, between student and teacher.

  • Text should not try to fully controll the course of the lesson, so as not to block creativity of both students and teacher.


List the forces in tension.
complete lesson versus an intuitive and pleasant lesson on the subject
dry knowledge transfer versus build-up of an expertise


Where is this pattern applicable? Where not?

This pattern is applicable when knowledge transfered needs communication with a higher precision than visual communication or experience can offer. Both written and spoken text should be groomed though voice can do with less strict attention.


Provide a detailed and concrete description of the pa. Include structure/process diagrams as needed.

Make these considerations:

  • Limit the amount of content you want to cover. Attention weakens for any public you want to reach.

  • Prepare your lesson structure beforehand.
    Use a note card reader to post your lesson structure on a signboard for everyone to see. Refer to the lesson-structure during the lesson.

  • Use a device for speaking prepared text in the chat channel if you want to keep to fixed expressions or fixed text structure. The speaking device helps to remind you of the structure you prepared, also of the turn of phrases you came up with..

  • Prepare text for the speaking device,

    • that does not need clinging to too strictly. Keep an open eye or ear so you can insert appropriate details.

    • leaving space in the follow-up of arguments. You can then elaborate on a subject as need arises, without messing up completely your predefined structure.

    • that you will not want to contradict, personally (for wrong timing or inappropriate in this circumstance, ...).

    • with sentences short and easy to understand.

    • considering that only text color in the chat channels makes a difference between the device speaking and questions or answers showing.

  • By distributing instructions after the lesson, you tie your students to follow with the progress of your course.
    Distributing instructions beforehand, you leave pace for them to choose.
    Faster students can help out slower ones.
    The teacher can help out slower students while faster students move on.


Cases-stories this pattern is drawn from.

stories 2, 23, 44

Related Patterns

Link to related patterns (within the MUVEnation patterns or elsewhere i.e. other pattern languages). Or create a note for patterns that you have spotted that need to be developed

Notes, Links and References

Liabilities, potential risks, extensions, expected side-effects. Observations.